Committed to privacy

We are dedicated to safeguarding your data, your clients' data, and third-party data with utmost privacy and security measures. Our practices adhere strictly to the guidelines set forth by the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner.

This includes physically securing personal information, limiting access to sensitive data to authorized personnel only, using secure methods for data transmission, and securely deleting digital data and physical records when they are no longer needed.

Integrating privacy in the information life cycle

We apply privacy design foundation principles across the information life cycle to ensure that we comply with applicable privacy regulations and provide comprehensive privacy and security services for both existing and emerging technologies.

Our expertise

Response to data breaches

We have developed a plan based on the Privacy Commissioner’s guidelines to deal with any data breach that might occur. The plan follows a Contain, Assess and Notify model.

Privacy policy governance and implementation

Governance and oversight for security of personal information and confidential data is the responsibility of Steve Barnard, Pikselin's Managing Director. The implementation of our privacy policy and the monitoring of procedures for security and data privacy are the responsibility of James Guthrie, one of Pikselin's Senior Developers, who is undergoing International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) certification as a Certified Information Privacy Technologist.

Data storage and processing

When approaching a project or creating an application that deals with the gathering and processing of confidential, sensitive or personal information, we:

  • Evaluate the type of information that is being gathered, how it is being gathered, and where that information is being stored
  • Identify any data protection risks
  • Create a data protection risk register from those identified risks
  • Assign a priority, likelihood, and overall risk level for each identified risk
  • Put in place controls to mitigate against those risks.